Chargers Win First Game of the Season!

The Chargers battled the Rocky Ford Meloneers for their first game of the season.

  • C-Team won in two matches with the scores being 25-10 & 25-19.
  • JV won in two matches with the scores being 25-12 & 25-14.
  • Varsity won in three matches with the scores being 25-19, 25-14, & 25-17.

β€œTonite we told ourselves we had to keep it together even though we all have a hole in our heart.  We kept it together until the very last serve. 

Lady Chargers beat the Meloneers in 3. 

And then we all cried. 

We miss you coach, but we know you would be so proud.” β€οΈ - Coach Mason

πŸ“Έ//Steph Meyer